January 23, 2005
Well done, good and faithful servant! …. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Matthew 25:21
A lesson in love…
            He was a wonderful man and he may have had profound effect on more people than anyone I have ever known. He was one of those extraordinary people my dad told me that I would never forget. 
            His name was Alfred but few people knew that. To the world he was Head. The moniker stuck from his days as Head Yell Leader at his beloved Aggieland. I suspect it stuck uniquely with him because no one else ever measured in so many ways to the role.
            Head was a man of courage. As an aspiring young man in the beginning of his career, he battled through the threatening perils of polio, making a miraculous recovery not envisioned by those that treated him. But he did not give credit to his courage. He gave credit to God’s response to the prayers of his many friends in Paducah. I heard him give thanks for those prayers many years after his recovery.
            While his courage was extraordinary, I will remember him most for his kindhearted love. When someone was in need Head was there, whether to lift a distraught boy from the dirt, provide encouragement to a man always down on his luck, or console a family by delivering the eulogy of a loved one. It was like God gave him broad and strong shoulders and he shared them caringly.
            He honored his wife as no man I have ever seen, always referring to her affectionately as Mrs. Davis. He loved the Lord and lived in exemplary service to him. Surely today he stands with the Savior and shares in the Master’s happiness.
            Head Davis loved warm and he loved deep. His life was a lesson in love that shaped lives far beyond his own awareness. I was one to be so blessed.
            This week please join me in honoring those who shaped our lives that through us their messages might live on to reach others…
You are the light of the world,
Richard Ì

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